Stacey's Place................................................................................................................... home of designer Stacey Carey
So here is my new purse, and i am so proud of it!! i love the fabric, the colors, and the pattern, they seem to speak to me! i feel so pretty when i am out with it. anyways, i just wanted to share with you all. Oh, and maybe an update, yesterday my daughter had surgery done on her tongue, she was tongue tied. she is doing well, and such a trooper, i am so proud of her.
This was our girls night out, last thursday morning i won a pair of tickets to go see Kelly Clarkson in concert, so i decided to take my oldest daughter out for a girls night out, and her 11th birthday present. this was my first picture i took, i took abigail out to dinner on the way down (we ate at Wendy's). she had so much fun!!! i hope it was a memorable birthday present abby, I love you!!! The opening act was Eric Hutchinson Here are some pics of Kelly Clarkson, it was a very good show, I was not disappointed! And I even knew more of her songs than i thought. and this sad picture is how she looked at the end, she was falling asleep standing up, so we headed out a song early, and beat the traffic rush. she slept the whole way home. we ended up getting home around a little past midnight. here is a video of one of the songs i saw~