So, I finally finished my Country Crow Wall Hanging pattern. She is for sale here on my blog, as well as in my Etsy shop and my Big Cartel shop. And while I was looking at my blog, I realized that when I finished my Castles quilt pattern, I forgot to have a giveaway, so, I will be giving away a copy of each of these two patterns to one lucky winner!! How to enter, it's super easy,
1. just leave a comment for one entry
2. blog or tweet about it and leave me a link for a second entry
3. and for a third entry become a follower.
Make sure you leave a comment for each entry, if you refer someone, have them let me know in their comments, and if a good turn out happens from being referred, then I will throw in my other quilt pattern to the lucky winner who sends the most people here. (possible chance for one person to win 3 patterns (who refers the most people), and a second person will win two patterns~for entering in the steps listed above.) Also, make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you are the winner. Thanks!