Friday, June 15, 2007

I got my drop spindle

Last Weekend was the annual Maine Fiber Frolic at the Windsor Fairgrounds, I went with my mother and three children. My mom is up visiting from florida. We had a blast. The kids were awesome. I would like to make it a yearly tradition. I got my drop spindle that I have been wanting for a very long time. I am just learning how to spin, it can be very frustrating though. I ordered the Spin It book by Lee Raven, it should arrive in a few days, so maybe that will help me better. The pictures are of the kids at the fair.


1 Quiltkarin said...

Hi Stacey,
I didn´t hear anything from you. Have you got the package `i am your knitters treat exchange spoilee,
best wishes, Quiltkarin,

2 Anne said...
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