Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lab Test Results!

Well, I guess that I have had The Fifth Disease before in my past. I have antibodies built up inside so that I should not get it again. They say that once you get it you will not ever get it again. My oldest daughter came down with the rash yesterday. And she was a tad bit itchy this morning. I had an easier time with my 5 year old not scratching and listening than I was having with my 9 year old this morning. She just kept sneaking in scratches. So far my son has not come down with it. I am wondering if any of that has to do with me nursing him as long as I did. (What a wierd concept! I am delighted!) I have seven weeks left of my pregnancy. Yay!!!! I cannot wait. I am ready to shed the 8 lbs. that I have gained so far this pregnancy. Yes, I did say 8 lbs. I wish the other pregnancy's were like that. WEll, that's all for now. Until next time,

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