Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival

Hello All~and welcome to my blog. As with all of you I am so wishing I was at Quilt Market instead of home here in Maine. My quilt that I am going to share with you this year is my favorite original design so far, and it is my largest quilt to date also. I call it Stars and Strips.

I entered it into a quilting contest for McCall's Quilting Magazine. You can see it here. I did not make it past the initial cut, but that's ok, I have this beautiful quilt to show, and it has a special story!! It measures 60" x 72". The fabric is Simple Abundance by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. I love Bonnie and Camille's fabric lines so much, they are my absolute favorites! (So I have my Cotton Blossoms Quilt, and my Simple Abundance Quilt, and soon will have me some Bliss Fabric) I am really proud of myself, doing something of this magnitude is big for me, pretty amazing!!!

I would really love to thank you for stopping by. Hope you all have a great weekend!!


1 Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

Stacey, this is really beautiful! Wow!

2 Shay said...

Dropping in from BQF. Your quilt is simply lovely. Was it hard looks like it would have taken months !

Love the colours. (It looks epecially beautiful against that Maine sky) Thanks for sharing this gorgeous creation.

3 Deb said...

Love your stars! Congratulations for finishing and entering the contest with McCall's! And I love those fabrics, too!

4 LJ said...

It is a beautiful quilt!

5 Aspiring Mom2three said...

Beautiful quilt! Love the mix of colors. I'm glad you shared it.

6 trish said...

Your quilt is just beautiful!! :o)
Sincerely - Tricia

7 SewAmy said...

beautiful, I love the colors.

8 Kristie said...

This is so pretty! Beautiful design and colors. Happy Festival!

9 Miri said...


10 KimT said...

Fabulous! You should be proud! I Would be too!

11 Julie Fukuda said...

I don't know how the magazine picks what it will use but they completely missed the boat on this one. Super blocks and set on point to boot!
Thanks for sharing.

12 Sandra said...

What a charming quilt and a great original combination of lemoyne stars and string blocks. Love how the blocks alternate and work together to create a secondary framed star. Kudos.
Come see my 1890 antique schoolhouse quilt and
black/white/pink scrappy miniature

13 Splendorfalls said...

This is a wonderful quilt!

14 Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the name of it! Perfect! Those pinwheel stars are so much fun and I love the colors. Thanks for sharing.

xo -El

15 Katie said...

I love how you've combined a traditional pattern with string quilt-like corners. And the field of "marshmallows" in the background made me smile, too!

16 SarahB said...

I thought I recognized this quilt! I also entered the quilt I have up for the Bloggers Quilt Festival in the McCalls contest (and also didn't make it past the 1st round). I remember thinking this beauty put mine to shame! I really do love the colors and the combination of star patterns is so pretty!