Well today we are getting hit with a good size snow storm. We are supposed to get whaled on within the next three days. I took some pics at noontime this morning and will take more when there is more accumulation. I am waiting for my daughter to come home from her first big sleepover. She has been gone since Friday night. She has had a blast and we have had a bit of a break. I am almost done my hat and will post pics real soon.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!!!
Well today we are getting hit with a good size snow storm. We are supposed to get whaled on within the next three days. I took some pics at noontime this morning and will take more when there is more accumulation. I am waiting for my daughter to come home from her first big sleepover. She has been gone since Friday night. She has had a blast and we have had a bit of a break. I am almost done my hat and will post pics real soon.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
Well, glad the craziness is done with. I took the tree down yesterday. Unboxed the toys already and finished the leftovers last night. The baby is adjusting well. He has not got much sleep today because everytime he falls asleep the kids wake him up. I finished up the Peace Sweater. It came out beautiful.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Ephrem Andrew is here!
Monday December 10, 2007 at 6:37 p.m. Ephrem came into this world. He was 9 lbs. 4.1 oz. and 20 3/4 in. long. He is doing fine, healthy and beautiful. I wanted to post a few pics. Enjoy!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Waking up this morning to all the pretty white stuff was nice. I love the snow. Especially if I do not have to venture out into it. One stinky thing is no school. Another crazy day home with the kids. Lately has been pretty stressful. Contractions for three days, nothing amounting to anything yet, my husband has been working double and every day. So I was looking forward to school today, but no such luck. The local news said it might snow until Wednesday. Much knitting to do, my big stress relief. I cannot take a picture right now because the camera is en route from Florida. I cannot wait for it to come though. I cannot believe that by the end of next week I should have a newborn son in my arms. You would think that being the fourth I would be ready but I am getting a little nervous. This is going to be our last though. I finished the front of the Peace Baby Sweater
by annypurls yesterday and started the back. I am making good progress. I want to finish it for Christmas for Ephrem. He is all that I need to make a handmade gift for. I will post pics when my new camera shows up in the mail. Well, I am itching to go knit some more. Until next time, stay safe and warm!
by annypurls yesterday and started the back. I am making good progress. I want to finish it for Christmas for Ephrem. He is all that I need to make a handmade gift for. I will post pics when my new camera shows up in the mail. Well, I am itching to go knit some more. Until next time, stay safe and warm!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Countdown is On!
It is officially getting down to crunch time, we have two weeks left, OMG! The clothes are washed, bags packed and loaded, bassinet cleaned and ready for our little Ephrem to join us in this big world. Things around here have been stressful. (Kids being naughty, christmas, etc.) I have finished Simon's Elmo Buddy Bag, and the girls Knitted Babes, I just need to do finishing touches. My mom is supposed to send me her Vivitar Dig. Camera today so hopefully that will come soon, so we can have when the baby is born but also so I can take pics of the handmade xmas gifts.
My husband got his first deer ever last Saturday on the last day of hunting season here. It weighted in at 188 lbs. An 8 point buck. I will post pics when I get them available. The meat is with the butcher and the head is with the taxidermist. (That will look nice on our brand spanking new living room walls next winter.
Well, my two and a half year old is still sleeping so I will go for now and work on Ephrem's sweater that I am making him for christmas. If I do not get to post for a while, wish me luck with the delivery.
My husband got his first deer ever last Saturday on the last day of hunting season here. It weighted in at 188 lbs. An 8 point buck. I will post pics when I get them available. The meat is with the butcher and the head is with the taxidermist. (That will look nice on our brand spanking new living room walls next winter.
Well, my two and a half year old is still sleeping so I will go for now and work on Ephrem's sweater that I am making him for christmas. If I do not get to post for a while, wish me luck with the delivery.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Joys of Halloween

Well, we took the children trick o treating last night. they had a blast! I did not do costumes here because it is so cold on Halloween. So they were pajama clowns! I bought some make up and painted their faces and put them into warm pajamas. We went to two different neighborhoods and got way too much candy. My husband actually took them, in one neighborhood I followed in a vehicle and then the other neighborhood I stayed at a friends house while she nursed her newborn son. It was very relaxing. My pregnant body would not have been able to endure hours of trick o treating and walking. I also had a appointment yesterday. The baby is doing good. I did not gain any new weight which is wierd. Well, that is all for now. Have a good day! Also, I forgot, I started the apple hat two days ago and finished it this morning.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Hey Mom!!!
My quilt I made
Pics I have been waiting to post
Well here are the pics I have been waiting to post, I hope you all like them.

The pink sweater was for my husband's cousin whose baby was born a preemie. What an adorable pattern.
The green beary buddy bag is for my nephew for christmas. I still need to line the buddy bags but I need to get some material.

This pink and purple bunny buddy bag was made for my niece for christmas, I still have to embroider the face on it though.
This navy/light blue bag with the boat is another buddy bag that I am still currently working on is for my son Simon for christmas.
This is the cable and seed stitch hat for my unborn son when he is born in December. I absolutely love it!

The pink sweater was for my husband's cousin whose baby was born a preemie. What an adorable pattern.
The green beary buddy bag is for my nephew for christmas. I still need to line the buddy bags but I need to get some material.

This pink and purple bunny buddy bag was made for my niece for christmas, I still have to embroider the face on it though.
This navy/light blue bag with the boat is another buddy bag that I am still currently working on is for my son Simon for christmas.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Lab Test Results!
Well, I guess that I have had The Fifth Disease before in my past. I have antibodies built up inside so that I should not get it again. They say that once you get it you will not ever get it again. My oldest daughter came down with the rash yesterday. And she was a tad bit itchy this morning. I had an easier time with my 5 year old not scratching and listening than I was having with my 9 year old this morning. She just kept sneaking in scratches. So far my son has not come down with it. I am wondering if any of that has to do with me nursing him as long as I did. (What a wierd concept! I am delighted!) I have seven weeks left of my pregnancy. Yay!!!! I cannot wait. I am ready to shed the 8 lbs. that I have gained so far this pregnancy. Yes, I did say 8 lbs. I wish the other pregnancy's were like that. WEll, that's all for now. Until next time,
Friday, October 19, 2007
What a week!
What a week, Let's see where do I start? On Sunday on our way up to our neices birthday party our newly rebuilt transmission in our Suburban went. Then Monday two of my children were sick. I was having stomach pains so I ended up in the Maternity floor being monitored to make sure that the baby was ok. Which he is. Then Tuesday morning my daughter's wind burned cheeks were not wind burnt there was a rash all over her body. So we ended up in the ER, and she was diagnosed with The Fifth Disease. Which is fine for her, on the tail end of it. But as it was said, it is not good for pregnant women. And I am definately pregnant. Only 8 weeks left now. So Wednesday I had an appt. with my OB doctor. Five minutes after my son and I showed up the fire alarm went off. We had to evacuate. The autoclave in the doctor's office caught fire. Wow! So my OB drew my blood and now we are waiting to see if I was exposed or if I have the disease. And worst case scenario, if I do get it and pass it on to my unborn son, it can cause heart failure. So depending on the test results, will determine whether we have to closely monitor him. I hope that if does not get to that point.
On the positive side, my mom called yesterday and sent me a new camera in the mail. I cannot wait. A couple of days and I will have it and can post pics with a nice camera not my ancient history old crappy digital camera that is severely outdated. Keep the lookout for that. That being said. I have got some knitting to do today, Christmas is coming and I need to finish my gifts in plenty of time so there is no stress when Ephrem arrives. Until next time, God bless!
On the positive side, my mom called yesterday and sent me a new camera in the mail. I cannot wait. A couple of days and I will have it and can post pics with a nice camera not my ancient history old crappy digital camera that is severely outdated. Keep the lookout for that. That being said. I have got some knitting to do today, Christmas is coming and I need to finish my gifts in plenty of time so there is no stress when Ephrem arrives. Until next time, God bless!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Ravelry Invite!
Yay! I got my ravelry invite!! my username is luv2knitncrochet if anyone wants to know. I will write more later!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
What to do.....
Just shipped the girls off to school. My oldest is in fourth grade, and my five year old is in kindergarten. My son is still sleeping. I only have twelve weeks left this pregnancy, and then there will be no more. I plan on getting my tubes tied. Four kids is enough. I have been knitting, and quite a bit actually. I made a pretty pink sweater for a cousins baby, and I have been working on Annypurls buddy bags for my nephew and niece. Now I am working on them for my children for christmas. I have to still finish the baby shedir hat, which I am almost done. I need to borrow a camera because mine is too old and takes crappy pics. Maybe next week I can post some pics of all that I have been working on. I guess I will go for now. Take care!
Monday, August 6, 2007
We decided on his name
We decided on a name for our son, Ephrem Andrew. I like it very much. We try to keep the names unique of our children and I think that we have accomplished that again. I am working on a sweater for a family member who had a baby that was a preemie. (3 1/2 lbs.) So when that is finished I will post pics, until then.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It's A ..........
Today was our ultrasound, I was so nervous all morning. The measurements were right on, we are still due the same date. All of the organs are looking great and where they are supposed to be. Here are some pics and then I will reveal the answer......

In case you cannot see, it is another boy!!! We are so excited. It is nice to even out the numbers. Now we need to pick out the perfect name for our new little boy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yucky Day!
It is raining out today, and is supposed to for a few days. I just ordered a pattern from annypurls for her buddy bags! I am so excited. I have lots of kids to knit these for, my husband has a very large family so this will be the perfect baby shower gift from me, thanks Anny!!! My little boy will be two on Monday the 23rd. We have planned him a Cars party. I am taking him shopping for tools at Toys R Us on Sunday. (The girls will spend some quality time with their father, he still is very attached to me, so if I want to enjoy myself he needs to come with me, no big deal though.) Then on Wednesday the 25th is our ultrasound. My hasn't these past few weeks gone by so slow. I am thinking its a boy, but I do not know for sure. Soon enough though. I have been feeling the baby move for a few weeks now, wow, it's wierd. I never felt any of my others this early so that is very strange. This is going to be our last, I already have the paperwork in order to get fixed at the hospital. Well off shopping looking for yarn to try out my new pattern. Have a good day! Oh I almost forgot, I ordered my copy of the last Harry Potter book. It is supposed to be delivered to my door on Saturday or right around then, I cannot wait!!! Time for a good read :)
Thursday, July 5, 2007
tryin to knit again
I am trying to get back into the swing of knitting again. This morning I finished another square to my knitting themed blanket. It is looking good. I am halfway done the squares. six done, six to go. I am getting excited.
Things around here are stressful, my family is at war because I am having another baby. I am almost 28 years old. why do I need permission to make my family bigger? who knows just some jealous people I guess. Aside from crying much trying to rest and take care of the kids. Our ultrasound is in two weeks--YAY!!!!!
Well, I guess I'm off to knitting, gonna start another square on my blanket. Take care and until next time.
Things around here are stressful, my family is at war because I am having another baby. I am almost 28 years old. why do I need permission to make my family bigger? who knows just some jealous people I guess. Aside from crying much trying to rest and take care of the kids. Our ultrasound is in two weeks--YAY!!!!!
Well, I guess I'm off to knitting, gonna start another square on my blanket. Take care and until next time.
Friday, June 15, 2007
I got my drop spindle
Last Weekend was the annual Maine Fiber Frolic at the Windsor Fairgrounds, I went with my mother and three children. My mom is up visiting from florida. We had a blast. The kids were awesome. I would like to make it a yearly tradition. I got my drop spindle that I have been wanting for a very long time. I am just learning how to spin, it can be very frustrating though. I ordered the Spin It book by Lee Raven, it should arrive in a few days, so maybe that will help me better. The pictures are of the kids at the fair.
Friday, May 25, 2007
It's Been A While
Well, it's been a while. I have not been able to do much knitting but yesterday I was able to finish the back of my daughter's sweater. I have been really tired and busy. The kids are busy busy busy! I am hoping to get some knitting done this weekend but we are planting a vegetable garden so I probably will not be able to do much. Come five o'clock at night my eyes are burning and I can barely stay awake. Wow, I hope it sure gets better. Morning sickness has gone away. I have been walking four days a week, about a mile and a half each day. Makes me feel good. Well, not much to say today just wanted to say something. I go to the doctor's next week. Can't wait. Until next time, see ya!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
The Date is Here
I went to the doctors the other day. Since I did not have a due date they did an ultrasound in the office to get a good due date. They said the measurements of the baby right now are accurate. I even got to hear the heartbeat. The baby was very small, just head and body right now, not all the finer details yet. So the baby is due December 13th. Merry Christmas to us, what a great Christmas gift. I would not trade it in for anything in the world. We are very excited. Even though some family members are not. Hopefully they will come around if not, that is their loss. Not mine. I know my blessings that I have in life.
I have not been doing much knitting recently. I have had nonstop morning sickness all day for the past 3 1/2 weeks. It is odd, considering that I never had it with the other three pregnancies. I cannot wait to find out what the sex is so then I can make a baby blanket as I have for the other three. They all still use them to this day (8yrs, 5yrs, 2yrs!!!!!!!!). Well I suppose. Talk again real soon. I am expecting my package from my knitters treat partner. Yay, gift for me. I already sent mine out to my partner. She is on vacation so its killing me to know when she gets back. Talk real soon. God bless and take care everyone!!
I have not been doing much knitting recently. I have had nonstop morning sickness all day for the past 3 1/2 weeks. It is odd, considering that I never had it with the other three pregnancies. I cannot wait to find out what the sex is so then I can make a baby blanket as I have for the other three. They all still use them to this day (8yrs, 5yrs, 2yrs!!!!!!!!). Well I suppose. Talk again real soon. I am expecting my package from my knitters treat partner. Yay, gift for me. I already sent mine out to my partner. She is on vacation so its killing me to know when she gets back. Talk real soon. God bless and take care everyone!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
News for us, wow!!
Well, we just found out the day before Easter that we are expecting. I go to the doctor's this Monday to confirm and find out how far along we are. It was a surprise. But now we are excited. This will make number four. Yikes!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Knitters Treat Exchange Questionnaire
Knitters Treat Exchange Questionnaire
1. What's your favourite type of yarn? alpaca, wool, sock
2. What's your least favourite type of yarn? novelty, eyelash, acrylic
3. What's the first thing you do when you visit a new yarn shop? check out sock yarn, bargain bin, free patterns
4. What other crafts do you do / would like to do? I like to sew, I love to read above all right below knitting I would love to learn how to spin. I have my spinning wheel picked out, which hopefully my dh will get for me later this year (the ashford joy) I plan to learn how to spin this year.
5. What magazines do you currently subscribe to? Spin Off, KnitSimple (I am not that happy with this subscription, my all time fave mag was Family Circle Easy Knitting but they replaced with this one, and I am a tad dissapointed.)
6. Put this type of magazine in order of preference:
Knitting / Crochet / Other Craft / Food / Home / Fashion / Celebrity Gossip / Garden
knitting, crochet, food, home, garden, other craft, celebrity gossip, fashion
7. What items do you like to knit / crochet? right now I am officially hooked on socks, I have big feet (size 11) so the sock yarn I get has to have 350 yards to be sure to make them fit.
8. Are you allergic to anything? not yet that I know of
9. What do you like to* smell of? something not strong, fruity, flowery. anything that makes me feel good.
(*This is not a typo. The question is: What do you like to smell of)
10. What's your favourite way to relax? knit, knit, knit, and reading of course!!!
11. You're stood in front of a Victorian style sweetshop, an Italian cafe, an old fashioned bakery and a dainty tea room. Where do you go first? The sweetshop.
12. What do you come out with? something chocolate, say choc. covered pretzels, anything with choc. and almonds.
13. Where do you go next? bakery, anything baked with apples.
14. Any other words of wisdom for your pal? Don't ever give up your dreams and never leave them behind find them, make them yours and all through your life cherish them and never let them go
1. What's your favourite type of yarn? alpaca, wool, sock
2. What's your least favourite type of yarn? novelty, eyelash, acrylic
3. What's the first thing you do when you visit a new yarn shop? check out sock yarn, bargain bin, free patterns
4. What other crafts do you do / would like to do? I like to sew, I love to read above all right below knitting I would love to learn how to spin. I have my spinning wheel picked out, which hopefully my dh will get for me later this year (the ashford joy) I plan to learn how to spin this year.
5. What magazines do you currently subscribe to? Spin Off, KnitSimple (I am not that happy with this subscription, my all time fave mag was Family Circle Easy Knitting but they replaced with this one, and I am a tad dissapointed.)
6. Put this type of magazine in order of preference:
Knitting / Crochet / Other Craft / Food / Home / Fashion / Celebrity Gossip / Garden
knitting, crochet, food, home, garden, other craft, celebrity gossip, fashion
7. What items do you like to knit / crochet? right now I am officially hooked on socks, I have big feet (size 11) so the sock yarn I get has to have 350 yards to be sure to make them fit.
8. Are you allergic to anything? not yet that I know of
9. What do you like to* smell of? something not strong, fruity, flowery. anything that makes me feel good.
(*This is not a typo. The question is: What do you like to smell of)
10. What's your favourite way to relax? knit, knit, knit, and reading of course!!!
11. You're stood in front of a Victorian style sweetshop, an Italian cafe, an old fashioned bakery and a dainty tea room. Where do you go first? The sweetshop.
12. What do you come out with? something chocolate, say choc. covered pretzels, anything with choc. and almonds.
13. Where do you go next? bakery, anything baked with apples.
14. Any other words of wisdom for your pal? Don't ever give up your dreams and never leave them behind find them, make them yours and all through your life cherish them and never let them go
Another Swap
I just found another swap that I am going to try. I hope it works out good. I am having fun making friends during swaps, I do not have many around here. They all have different family values than my husbands and I.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
My package from the ITE3 arrived, Yay!!!!
Yesterday my mailman brought my package from my partner Cathy up in BC Canada. It was awesome. The bag is beautiful, felted. It also came with a bunch of goodies. A set of 6 gift tags, note pad that sticks on the fridge, box canadian maple syrup cream cookies, universal crochet loom, 2 balls moda dea sassy stripes, and the color is Spring, very nice., a bag of lavender stones, and a bar of Lastina (not quite sure what that is, I think its soap. there is no english on the package. the writing is all foreign) All I can say is that I am one lucky partner. Thanks Cathy!!!!
Friday, March 23, 2007
A Couple of New Pics
I was just posting some new pics. The last pair of socks I made I used the wrong size needles so this pair is being done the correct way. I love the way they are coming out. The other pic is of the bag I just made for myself. I got the pattern free from my local yarn store and altered it quite a bit. I made it into a messenger style bag, widened the strap. It is also my first felted project. I thought that it would have shrunk more. maybe the next one will do so. I sewed the lining and made pockets. Then I hand sewed it into the bag myself. I am very proud of it. I think it came out pretty. I also made it in my favorite colors. Purple and blue.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
What Kind of Yarn are You????

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Merino Wool.You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to keep you close because you are so softhearted. You love to be comfortable and warm from your head to your toes.
Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
What a Day
What a day already. It is not even 9:30 in the a.m. My daughter is home sick from school and my son just woke up. I finished a bag that I knitted from a free pattern that I got at my LYS. I changed the pattern a bit. I made the strap wider and made the bag a messenger type bag instead of an open top. I like the idea of a flap over the top, especially with three children. I finished my first pair of socks and come to realize that I used the wrong size knitting needles. The lady at my LYS told me to use the size I did and then the socks are way to loose. they slide down, which is annoying. But it is too much work to redo them so they are great for bumming around the house in. Now I started a new pair with some german yarn I think that is what she told me, I cannot understand anything on the label. The yarn itself is very pretty, I love the colors. And I am using the correct needles. It is coming along nicely. Oh my god, the other day I started reading a novel by Julie Garwood, titled Slow Burn. What an awesome book I finished it within a day. Now I am regretting that, I do not have another book to read. However, this weekend I am going out for the day with a girlfriend and we are going to Borders Books. Yay, my favorite book store. Too bad we have to travel an hour to get there. But it will be worth it.
So last week my sewing machine started acting funny. My husband and I have been trying to figure out how to fix it. I paid good money for it about four years ago and have not used it all that much. We could not fix it so we called around for prices to have it looked at, one place was going to charge me $69.95 and the other $62.00. Oh my God, what a rip off. So the sewing machine mechanic told us that the problem had to do with the top tension dial. We brought the machine home and attempted to fix it one last time to avoid the big bills elsewhere. My husband removed the case of the machine and exposed the top tension area. what he found was the tension knob that you turn to adjust the level of tension was really loose and not tightened. He tightened it and we put the machine back together to try. What a smart man, I love my husband so very much. He fixed my machine and we avoided the $$$$. So I was able to finish the liner for my new knitted bag and I can use it this weekend when I go out for the day. I am so excited.
I sent my bag that I made for my partner for the ITE III and she recieved it. She let me know and said that she loved it. I really hope that she does. I am getting a little nervous, the deadline to send the totes is within the week and I have not heard from my partner who is making my bag in about a month. Hopefully the Angel Network with the exchange will step in if she stiffs me. I will post a pic of the completed bag later.
So last week my sewing machine started acting funny. My husband and I have been trying to figure out how to fix it. I paid good money for it about four years ago and have not used it all that much. We could not fix it so we called around for prices to have it looked at, one place was going to charge me $69.95 and the other $62.00. Oh my God, what a rip off. So the sewing machine mechanic told us that the problem had to do with the top tension dial. We brought the machine home and attempted to fix it one last time to avoid the big bills elsewhere. My husband removed the case of the machine and exposed the top tension area. what he found was the tension knob that you turn to adjust the level of tension was really loose and not tightened. He tightened it and we put the machine back together to try. What a smart man, I love my husband so very much. He fixed my machine and we avoided the $$$$. So I was able to finish the liner for my new knitted bag and I can use it this weekend when I go out for the day. I am so excited.
I sent my bag that I made for my partner for the ITE III and she recieved it. She let me know and said that she loved it. I really hope that she does. I am getting a little nervous, the deadline to send the totes is within the week and I have not heard from my partner who is making my bag in about a month. Hopefully the Angel Network with the exchange will step in if she stiffs me. I will post a pic of the completed bag later.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Here are some pics of the WIP
Ok, Here We Go
I am new to this, I am a stay at home wife with time on my hands, I like to knit, crochet, sew and read. My children are ages 8, 4, and 18 mos. I have a couple wips that my husband keeps "track" of, you are starting that, why don't you work on your blanket or your daughter's sweater? I am at a bored phase, and need a break. So last week I cast on my first sock, ever. I see one place that I need to fix, but for being my first sock, I am very excited. I will post some pics a little later. I want to see if this works. Wish me luck.
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